If your small business in the Minneapolis area needs a provider of Avaya maintenance in Minneapolis, MN, Converged Systems is the company to call. We have years of experience helping small businesses implement the Avaya services they need for a price they can afford. We offer several types of maintenance services to small and midsize businesses, with the four below being some of the most important for sustaining productivity and fostering growth.
Remote Network Monitoring
Who monitors your business’ telephone network after business hours and on weekends? If the answer is no one, remote network monitoring is a service that you should consider receiving. Remote network monitoring ensures that problems with the telephone system are addressed when they occur, not hours or days later. For many companies, this makes remote network monitoring a key service for maintaining productivity.
On-site Technical Assistance
A certified provider of Avaya Maintenance will use remote diagnostic tools to detect and resolve almost 100 percent of telephone system issues. However, because some IT problems must be addressed on-site, having on-site technical assistance as a part of your service package is essential. As a part of the package, you also have the option of choosing how quickly technicians arrive on site (e.g., four hours versus two hours).
Scheduled Maintenance Plan
Avaya telephone equipment is like any other in that to remain in optimal operating condition, it needs to receive scheduled maintenance. Some maintenance measures may be performed remotely, while others may require the assistance of on-site technicians. In either case, making scheduled maintenance a part of your service plan can extend the life of hardware and software resources in the telephone system.
Disaster Recovery Planning
Small businesses are especially vulnerable to disasters that destroy the IT system. If your business has a single location and no disaster recovery plan in place, its chances of going out of business soon after the catastrophe are quite high. Working with Converged Systems, you can develop a disaster recovery plan that includes installing a phone system at an alternative business location until the original location is ready to inhabit again.
Contact Us Today
Converged Systems is a leading provider of Avaya maintenance in Minneapolis and other major cities. If you operate a small business that has a conservative IT budget, we will work with you to implement the maintenance services you need for a price you can afford. To find out which phone services your small business needs to maintain productivity and foster growth, call us today at (877) 950-2999 to schedule a free consultation, or use our contact form.